Huwebes, Marso 27, 2014

Yellowstripe Scad

     Fish cooked with kamias is one of the favorite fish dish in our household. It is Php. 80 per kilo.

Danggit Dried Fish (Rabbitfish)

     Danggit is a small thin salted dried fish referred as a poor man's food by most people. It is also known as rabbitfish or spinefoot fish in English. It is 50 per pack.


       Eels are an order of fish which consists of four suborders, 20 families, 111 genera and approximately 800 species.It is 90 per kilo.


       The milkfish is often collected when young and raised for food in brackish or freshwater tropical ponds. It is 180 per kilo.

Sabado, Marso 22, 2014

Whelk (Dawo-Dawo)

     Whelk is a common name that is applied to various kinds of sea snail, many of which have historically been used, or are still used, by humans for food.


       A beautiful specimen shell, we used to have several of these in our shell collection when it was still acceptable to collect shell.

Pyrula (Aninikad)

       A genus of large marine gastropods. having a pear-shapedshell. It includes the fig-shells. 

Venus Clam (Bug-atan)

     Shell sculpture tends to be primarily concentric, but radial and divaricating ornamentation (see Gafrarium), and rarely spines (Pitar lupanaria for example) occur on some. 


                 Bagoong is a Philippine condiment made of partially or completely fermented fish or shrimp and salt.The fermentation process also results in fish sauce (known as patis)


       Ginamos is a salted, fermented product made from tiny fish like silver fish, anchovies or sometimes bigger fish like sardines. Sold in glass jars or in open buckets at the market, the sight of it is not exactly appetizing as most are cloudy to muddy gray in color.


        Shrimp and prawn are important types of seafood that are consumed worldwide. In biological terms, shrimp and prawns belong to different suborders of Decapoda, however they are very similar in appearance and in commercial farming and fisheries, the terms are often used interchangeably.

Spider Conch (Ganga)

      It is a genus of large sea snails sometimes known as spider conchs, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Strombidae, the true conch family.The siphonal canal is long and curved, and the apertural lip is adorned with circumapertural projections, which are fingerlike processes emanating from the edge of the shell aperture. It is Php. 40 per glass. 

Dilis Dried Fish

       Dried dilis are  a great snack, but this fish is also used in soups, broths and other dishes. It is Php. 50 per kilo.  


Squid Dried Fish

         The dried squid also looked good. You can buy it as low as PHP. 440 per kilo. Either fried or barbecued, it possesses a unique taste that must be acquired early in life. 

Danggit Dried Fish

        Large or small, the bones had been extracted and the stuff fried up nice and crisp. At PHP. 420 per kilo, it sounds like a lot but that must have been at least 5 kilos of live wait danggit to make a kilo of boneless dried fish.


           Guso is a Bisayan term for a particular type of seaweed. It is the guso commonly sold in the market or peddled by peddlers for cooking.

Lukot Seaweed

       It looks like really cool noodles, and in varying shades of green. Sort of like sea soba. The lukot cooks up like noodles and has a distinct taste, though most can’t describe the actual taste.

Lato Seaweed

      It has grape-like structure that is robust, crispy, watery, and slimy.  But it is a good source of iron, iodine, calcium, and vitamins A and C.  

Octopus & Crabs

    The most famous product wherein particularly located at Union, Dapa Surigao del Norte. These 2 products will never been absent in any occasions in Siargao. You can buy it for as low as Php. 150 per kilo.

Huwebes, Marso 20, 2014


       The famous product in Siargao and commonly located at Burgos because if you go to their place you were immediately seen the Calamansi wherever you look at for. Their festival was named also as “Calamansi Festival”.


          A product that you can see anywhere in Siargao and particularly located at Dapa. It is a well-known product that every Siargaonon wants to buy it without regrets.The Kinhason is Php. 30 per glass.

Blue Marlin

         Blue Marlin the most popular product in Siargao and commonly located at Pilar that’s why their festival was particularly named as “Liplipan Festival”. Buy now as low as Php. 100 per kilo.